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How Cool Am I?

Take this quiz to find out!

“Am I cool?” It’s a question we all ask eventually, and it’s not always easy to judge for ourselves. Not to worry! With the help of this quiz, you can finally find out just how cool you really are, plus see how you stack up against your friends. Ready to know if you’re cool or not? Take this quiz to find out!

An orange cat wears sunglasses.

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Questions Overview

1. Your ideal Friday night involves…
  1. Going to bed early. I need my full eight hours!
  2. Eating ice cream and watching reality TV with my bestie.
  3. Going to my friend’s art show, dancing, and good food.
  4. Whatever I feel like. I always have invites and options to choose from.
2. How would you describe your social circle?
  1. Strange, confounding, and misunderstood.
  2. Small, chill, and loyal.
  3. Brimming, dynamic, and fascinating.
  4. Exclusive, legendary, and iconic.
3. Your wardrobe is full of…
  1. There’s no common thread. Clothes are just clothes to me.
  2. Mostly casual, simple staple pieces, but a few standout outfits.
  3. A mix of trends and timeless, effortless staples. I'm definitely stylish.
  4. Unique, stylish pieces that most people don’t own. I'm a trendsetter.
4. You recently picked up a new hobby. What is it?
  1. Knitting
  2. Writing
  3. Photography
  4. Traveling
5. What’s the most worn-out book on your bookshelf?
  1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling
  2. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  3. Slaughter House Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
  4. Eve’s Hollywood by Eve Babitz
6. You win a vacation to anywhere in the world. Where are you going?
  1. Niagara Falls
  2. Las Vegas, Nevada
  3. Paris, France
  4. The Seychelles
7. In your friend group, you’re the friend who…
  1. Plans the most epic board game nights.
  2. Recommends the best TV shows to binge.
  3. Introduces everyone to great new music.
  4. Always knows the coolest underground spots to hang out.
8. Where do you get your interior design inspo from?
  1. Whatever’s available at Target
  2. HGTV
  3. Architectural Digest
  4. Apartamento Magazine
9. You’re at a party and you know no one. How are you feeling?
  1. Anxious. I'm ready to head home.
  2. Mildly uneasy. But I'll be fine!
  3. Relaxed. I'm excited to make new friends.
  4. Totally unbothered. Strangers are naturally drawn to me.
10. A genie grants you one wish. You wish for…
  1. Popularity. I'd love to have a bigger social circle.
  2. Beauty. Think of the aesthetic pics I could take!
  3. Time travel. There are so many memories I'd love to relive.
  4. Immortality. Life is way too good to ever end.
11. You trip and fall in public. You…
  1. Don’t get up for a long 10 seconds. I'm mortified.
  2. Blush and try to stand up quickly before anyone notices.
  3. Stand back up and laugh about it.
  4. Get helped up by a cute stranger.
12. Your life is a movie. What song plays when your character is introduced?
  1. “Moves Like Jagger” by Maroon 5
  2. “Gooey” by Glass Animals
  3. “Bad Girls” by M.I.A.
  4. “Born to Die” by Lana Del Rey

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Coolness is Subjective

Lots of people want to be cool, but what does being cool even mean? Coolness is surprisingly hard to pin down and define, mainly because it’s so subjective. One person might think skinny jeans are cool, while another person may think they’re totally outdated. But neither person is right or wrong. Coolness is in the eye of the beholder!

That means you get to define coolness for yourself. And you know what we find truly cool? Someone who embraces who they are and lives life to the fullest. Ready to adopt a coolness mindset? Here are some tips:

  • Own who you are. Anyone is capable of being cool. The first step? Embracing the unique things that make you you. Don’t worry about trying to change yourself to fit a certain mold. There’s nothing cooler than someone who knows who they are and doesn’t pretend to be like anyone else.
  • Do things you love. Cool people don’t sit around all day trying to look cool. They go out and do things they’re passionate about! Whether that’s hiking a mountain, starting a new painting, road-tripping to a new place, or having a photo shoot with your pets, the important thing is that you’re living life and having fun doing it.
  • Be friendly and open-minded. Despite what you might see in some movies and shows, cool people aren’t mean and rude to others. Instead, genuinely cool people are nice to everyone—it’s part of why they have so many friends! Put yourself out there and be friendly to new people you meet. You never know when you might make a lasting friendship.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can live your best life with a coolness mindset and always be cool, regardless of your circumstances. And remember: you get to define what cool means to you personally.

Reader Success Stories

  • Ellie S.

    Ellie S.

    Jun 11

    "I got cool but people dont get it! Thanks!"
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