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Am I Evil?

Take this quiz to find out!

Evil. When you hear that word, what do you think of? Maybe you think of the Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, or perhaps you’re reminded of an awful teacher you had. Either way, the word provokes a feeling or memory…But does it make you think about yourself?

Most everyone has a little bit of evil in them. After all, we’re only human! But how much evil is truly in you? Are you bad to the bone or just a little mischievous? Answer these fun personality questions to find out!

Disclaimer: this quiz is 100% unserious and just for fun. We don’t actually think you’re evil! Or, you’re probably not anyway…

A woman with brown hair standing in front of an orange wall scrunching her nose and lips.

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Questions Overview

1. How do you prepare cereal?
  1. Cereal first, then milk.
  2. I don’t put cereal in my milk.
  3. Milk first, then cereal.
  4. I eat dry cereal while sipping on a glass of milk.
2. A friend texted you. What do you do?
  1. Answer right away, duh!
  2. Reply after an hour or two, but only if I’m super busy.
  3. Ignore the text for a day or two. I’ll reply when I want to (even if it’s urgent).
  4. Leave them on read for days and days. I ghost people for fun.
3. How do you eat a KitKat?
  1. I don't eat it. I give it to a nearby friend! Happiness is meant to be shared.
  2. I snap it apart and eat each section separately.
  3. I snap it apart and bite into every section at once.
  4. I bite right into it without breaking it apart. Mwahaha!
4. How do you feel about dogs?
  1. I love them with my whole heart!
  2. I like them, but I’m not crazy about them.
  3. I guess they’re okay.
  4. I hate them. So slobbery—ew.
5. How do you feel about sleeping with socks?
  1. That’s cool! I don’t do it, but I don’t shame people who do.
  2. I don’t get how people do it! They bother me too much.
  3. I love it! I wear socks every night, and I’m not ashamed!
  4. I sleep with socks, and in the morning, I snooze my alarm 20 times to be sure no one else gets to sleep.
6. What’s your opinion on plastic utensils?
  1. I only use reusable materials. It’s good for the planet!
  2. I use them, but only when I have to.
  3. Why wash dishes when you can just throw them out?
  4. I use plastic utensils because they’re bad for the environment!
7. What’s your favorite pizza topping?
  1. Pepperoni
  2. Mushrooms
  3. Pineapple
  4. Anchovies
8. You see someone with an arm full of books struggling to open a door. What do you do?
  1. Race to open the door for them, duh!
  2. See if they can eventually open the door. If they can’t, I’ll help.
  3. Wait impatiently behind them. They’re taking forever.
  4. Knock the books out of their hands and cackle. They look ridiculous!
9. What’s the first thing you say to a loved one in the morning?
  1. “Good morning! How are you today?”
  2. “Morning! I had a rough night.”
  3. “Ugh. I hate mornings, and I hate sunrises.”
  4. Please! I don’t speak to anyone in the morning. I just scowl at the world.
10. You’re told something is a secret. You:
  1. Keep it a secret, obviously!
  2. Tell my mom, but that’s it.
  3. Share with my closest friends, but make them swear not to tell.
  4. Tell everyone right away!
11. You ask for a cheeseburger but the waiter brings a plain burger instead. What do you do?
  1. Smile and pretend like it’s the right order. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
  2. Politely ask them for what I ordered. I was really in the mood for some cheese.
  3. Eat the burger and leave without paying. I didn’t get my cheese, so they don’t get my money.
  4. Throw the burger at them and demand they bring me cheese on a golden platter!
12. Would you steal candy from a baby?
  1. Absolutely not!
  2. Only if they stole the candy from me.
  3. Maybe, if it’s good candy.
  4. Yes, without a doubt.

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What Is Evil?

In psychology, evil is a fascinating and complicated notion. Psychologists have been debating the true reason and definition of evil for centuries. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, “evil” is something “morally bad, cruel, or very unpleasant.”[1] Over the years, this trait has been associated with the minority of people with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD); however, it does not mean that those with ASPD are considered evil and those without it are not.

Studies have shown that acts of evil, violence, or cruelty are often carried out by those who act impulsively, fearfully, passionately, or insecurely. Someone may show evil behavior one day and then behave the next—that’s the essence of being human.

In philosophy, evil can broadly be broken down into natural and moral concepts. The question “What is evil?” can be debated based on theological and political ideals. Philosophers argue the idea of a moral compass and whether or not the concept of evil should be placed on individuals, characters, and/or actions.

The definition of evil depends on context and how you interpret a situation. In order words, evil is relative. How you define “evil” may not be the same as how your friend does, and that’s okay. Your upbringing, experiences, and opinions shape how you define and classify the term. From a psychological and philosophical standpoint, no single statement fully explains the term. While the concept can be simplified and stereotyped, defining the term on a larger, more encompassing scale will forever be polarizing.

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  • Anshit K.

    Anshit K.

    Jun 8

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