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What Is My Cake Personality Type?

Take this quiz to find out!

What career is perfect for you and your personality? And why is it that finding a dream job feels so hard and intimidating?

That’s where the Cake Personality Test comes in! This fun, perceptive personality test cuts to the core of what makes you—and what career would make you feel happiest and most fulfilled. So, what are you waiting for? Hit “Start Quiz” to find out if you’re a Layer Cake, Cupcake, Macaron, Strawberry Cake, Tiramisu, or Roll Cake using CakeResume’s personality paradigm.

A vanilla cake topped with a chocolate drip and fresh blueberries and strawberries

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Questions Overview

1. Does your dream work/life balance lean more to the “work” or “life” side?
  1. Work
  2. Life
2. When you work on something (a chore, a project, etc.), do you think more about the process or the end result?
  1. Process
  2. End result
3. Do you prefer to be creative and think outside the box, or do you like to follow a specific set of rules?
  1. Think outside the box
  2. Follow specific rules
4. Do you work better by yourself or in a team?
  1. By myself
  2. In a team
5. Do you think you're good at motivating others?
  1. Yes
  2. No
6. Are you quick to take action, or do you sometimes struggle with procrastination?
  1. I'm quick to take action
  2. I struggle with procrastination
7. Do you think that problem-solving is one of your major strengths?
  1. Yes
  2. No
8. Do you feel more comfortable leading a group or following someone else’s lead?
  1. Leading
  2. Following someone's lead
9. Do you think of yourself as a people person?
  1. Yes
  2. No
10. Are you a detail-oriented person, or do you like more big-picture ideas?
  1. Detail-oriented
  2. Big picture
11. Do you feel like you’re someone who can get a lot done in one day—or do things tend to take you longer than you expect them to?
  1. I get a lot done in a day
  2. It takes me longer
12. Do you have a big imagination?
  1. Yes
  2. No

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All About the Cake Personality Test

What is the Cake Personality Test?
The Cake Personality Test was created by the CakeResume team to help job seekers better understand the roles and careers they could really thrive in. Originally posted on CakeResume’s website, the “What Cake R U?” quiz guides users through a short, quest-like adventure as they figure out what type of employee/worker they are. At the end of the quiz, the user gets sorted into 1 of 6 cake categories:

  • Layer Cake
  • Cupcake
  • Macaron
  • Strawberry Cake
  • Roll Cake
  • Tiramisu

According to CakeResume, the quiz utilizes Holland’s Theory of Career Choice, a theory developed in 1959 by John Holland that states how people gravitate toward careers where they’ll be surrounded by like-minded individuals, and where they can tackle challenges in a way that makes sense to them.

What are the different cake personality types?

  • Layer Cake: Layer Cake individuals approach their work with a can-do attitude, and approach their workloads from very rational and productive perspectives.
    • Ideal jobs: Cook, Landscaper, Engineer
    • Meshes well with: Strawberry Cake and Roll Cake
  • Cupcake: Cupcake individuals are great thinkers and problem-solvers who never stop workshopping the best solution for a given task or situation.
    • Ideal jobs: Psychologist, Doctor, Marketing Coordinator
    • Meshes well with: Macaron and Tiramisu
  • Macaron: Macaron individuals are free and creative thinkers who like to infuse a fun energy and artistic flare into their work.
    • Ideal jobs: Graphic Designer, Videographer, Fashion Designer
    • Meshes well with: Cupcake and Strawberry Cake
  • Strawberry Cake: Strawberry Cake individuals are cooperative, charismatic, and great at connecting with other people within the workplace.
    • Ideal jobs: Customer Service Representative, Teacher, HR Representative
    • Meshes well with: Layer Cake and Macaron
  • Roll Cake: Roll Cake individuals are hard-working and detail-oriented, and are great at completing tasks carefully and thoroughly.
    • Ideal jobs: Accountant, Administrative Assistant, Civil Engineer
    • Meshes well with: Layer Cake and Tiramisu
  • Tiramisu: Tiramisu individuals are great at taking charge, calling the shots, and leading their fellow employees in various tasks or projects.
    • Ideal jobs: Manager, Business Executive, Congressperson
    • Meshes well with: Cupcake and Roll Cake

What should I do with my results?
Keep your results in mind the next time you’re searching for a new job. The Cake Personality Test is meant to help you better understand yourself and the role you’d thrive in when working in a professional setting. See if the careers in your Cake Type make sense to your interests and education, or if you feel more connected to a different type of role and field.