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Questions Overview

1. How do first-year students get to Hogwarts after getting off the Hogwarts Express train?
  1. By boat
  2. By carriage
  3. By Portkey
  4. By foot
2. What kind of creatures run Gringotts, the wizard bank?
  1. Centaurs
  2. Goblins
  3. House-elves
  4. Dementors
3. Which animals are students allowed to bring to Hogwarts?
  1. Cat, rat, or toad
  2. Owl, toad, or cat
  3. Rat, owl, or toad
  4. Cat, rat, or owl
4. What is the first password required to get into Gryffindor common room?
  1. Fortuna major
  2. Caput draconis
  3. Lemon drop
  4. Balderdash
5. Who teaches Herbology at Hogwarts?
  1. Professor Vine
  2. Professor Flitwick
  3. Professor Sprout
  4. Professor McGonagall
6. Who said “Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself”?
  1. Albus Dumbledore
  2. Harry Potter
  3. Hermione Granger
  4. Sirius Black
7. Which of these balls is NOT needed to play Quidditch?
  1. Quaffle
  2. Snitch
  3. Bludger
  4. Snaffle
8. What is the core of Harry’s wand?
  1. Unicorn hair
  2. Phoenix feather
  3. Dragon heartstring
  4. Basilisk horn
9. Who is the oldest Weasley child?
  1. Bill
  2. Charlie
  3. Percy
  4. Ron
10. What is Hagrid’s dog’s name?
  1. Norbert
  2. Fang
  3. Buckbeak
  4. Fluffy
11. Which student is NOT in Ravenclaw?
  1. Luna Lovegood
  2. Cho Chang
  3. Padma Patil
  4. Parvati Patil
12. In which year can students visit the village of Hogsmeade?
  1. First
  2. Third
  3. Fifth
  4. Seventh
13. Who is NOT a ghost at Hogwarts?
  1. The Bloody Baron
  2. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
  3. Professor Binns
  4. The Silver Lady
14. What omen of death does Harry repeatedly see in his third year?
  1. The Grim
  2. The Skull
  3. The Raven
  4. The Hell-hound
15. Who are the Marauders?
  1. Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and James Potter
  2. Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Arthur Weasley, and Nymphadora Tonks
  3. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Ginny Weasley
  4. Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, and Rubeus Hagrid
16. Who of the following is NOT a house elf?
  1. Winky
  2. Dobby
  3. Kreacher
  4. Pokey
17. Who competes in the Quidditch World Cup at the beginning of Harry’s fourth year?
  1. Australia and Germany
  2. Ireland and Bulgaria
  3. France and England
  4. Spain and Japan
18. What are the three unforgivable curses?
  1. Imperio, Crucio, and Avada Kedavra
  2. Sectumsempra, Morsmordre, and Levicorpus
  3. Petrificus Totalus, Obliviate, and Sectumsempra
  4. Confundo, Expelliarmus, and Immobulus
19. Rita Skeeter writes for which publication?
  1. The Quibbler
  2. The Daily Prophet
  3. The Wizarding World News
  4. The Hogwarts Times
20. Which dragon did Fleur Delacour face in the Triwizard Tournament?
  1. Hungarian Horntail
  2. Swedish Shortsnout
  3. Chinese Fireball
  4. Common Welsh Green
21. What is 12 Grimmauld Place?
  1. The Black family’s residence
  2. The Dursley family’s residence
  3. The Weasley family’s residence
  4. The Potter family’s residence
22. Who does NOT belong to House of Black (Sirius’s family)?
  1. Bellatrix Lestrange
  2. Andromeda Tonks
  3. Coeus Black
  4. Narcissa Malfoy
23. What does the acronym N.E.W.T. stand for?
  1. National Education Wizardry Test
  2. Necessary Evaluation Wizardry Trials
  3. Notable Examination Wizarding Trial
  4. Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test
24. What is Severus Snape’s Patronus?
  1. Stag
  2. Doe
  3. Fox
  4. Wolf
25. Who was NOT a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts while Harry was at Hogwarts?
  1. Barty Crouch, Jr.
  2. Dolores Umbridge
  3. Gilderoy Lockhart
  4. Mad-Eye Moody
26. What are the Deathly Hallows?
  1. The Sword, the Stone, and the Horcrux
  2. The Stone, the Cloak, and the Wand
  3. The Cloak, the Goblet, and the Mirror
  4. The Portkey, the Sword, and the Pensieve
27. What can NOT destroy a Horcrux?
  1. Basilisk venom
  2. Fiendfyre
  3. Godric Gryffindor’s sword
  4. Phoenix tears
28. Which spell summons an item to the spellcaster?
  1. Wingardium Leviosa
  2. Expecto Patronum
  3. Accio
  4. Expelliarmus
29. What kind of car does Arthur Weasley bewitch so it can fly?
  1. Ford Anglia
  2. Hackney Carriage
  3. Vauxhall Vectra
  4. Mercedes-Benz
30. What item does Dumbledore leave to Ron Weasley?
  1. The sword of Gryffindor
  2. A deluminator
  3. An invisibility cloak
  4. His phoenix, Fawkes

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Harry Potter Fast Facts

  • J.K Rowling published the first novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, on June 26, 1997. In countries other than the United States, the title of the first book was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. J.K. Rowling sold the film rights to Warner Bros. and the first movie was released on November 16, 2001.
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the second book in the series, published on July 2, 1998, and the second film was released on November 15, 2002.
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third book in the series, published on July 8, 1999, and the third film was released on June 4, 2004.
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the fourth book in the series, published on July 8, 2000, and the fourth film was released on November 18, 2005.
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the fifth book in the series June 21, 2003, published on, and the fifth film was released on July 11, 2007.
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the sixth book in the series, published on July 16, 2005, and the sixth film was released on July 15, 2009.
  • The final, seventh novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was released on July 21, 2007, and sold 11 million copies within 24 hours. The seventh novel was split into two films. Part one was released on November 19, 2010, and Part Two was released on July 15, 2011.
  • The stage play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child written by J. K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, and John Tiffany was released on July 31, 2016. It’s set 19 years after the seventh novel in the original series and features Harry’s son, Albus. The play has been performed on stages around the world.

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