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How Old Do People Think I Look?

Take this quiz to find out how other people might see you!

Have you ever wondered how old people think you are? Maybe you’ve always been told that you look older than you are—or you look younger!

Answer these 8 quick questions, and we’ll get a read on how old other people think you look. To find out for yourself, click “Start Quiz” now!

Three hands are held out in a circle on a tabletop; one is a child's, one an adult's, and one an elderly person's.

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Questions Overview

1. How old do strangers usually think you are?
  1. They usually say I look super young. Like a kid or a preteen, probably.
  2. They say I look like a teenager.
  3. They think I'm an adult, but not super old.
  4. They say I look pretty mature.
2. How old do you think you look?
  1. I think I look very young. Like a kid!
  2. I think I look like a teenager, or around that age.
  3. I think I look like I'm in my 20s, maybe 30s.
  4. I think I look pretty mature! I've got nice lines on my face, after all.
3. If a stranger compliments you, what will they say?
  1. "You’re such a cute kid!"
  2. "Your style is amazing!"
  3. "You’re beautiful!"
  4. "You look great for your age!"
4. Do you have any gray in your natural hair?
  1. No, I don't have any gray!
  2. I have some gray, but not a lot. Some hairs here and there.
  3. I have plenty of gray or white hairs, and I've earned them!
  4. I'm bald, or I don't know.
5. How old do you feel, regardless of how old you actually are? (Trust us, it matters!)
  1. I feel like a kid! I just want to run around and play!
  2. I feel young, but I'm definitely not a kid anymore.
  3. I feel like an adult who's still getting the hang of this "adult" thing.
  4. I feel like a mature adult, with my fair share of experience under my belt.
6. If you walked into a bar (which serves alcohol) what would people say?
  1. "Are you lost? Do you need help finding your parents?"
  2. "Nice try. You’re definitely not 21."
  3. "Can I see your ID please?"
  4. "Can I get you a drink, ma’am (or sir)?"
7. You’re about to walk into a PG-13 movie. What do you expect the theater attendant to say while checking out your ticket?
  1. "Hey, you’re way too young to be seeing this!"
  2. "Can I see your ID? I just need to make sure you’re the right age."
  3. "Enjoy the movie."
  4. "Do you need help getting to your seat?"
8. How would you describe your skin?
  1. I don't know. It's normal? I don't get pimples or anything yet.
  2. Usually clear, but sometimes zitty.
  3. I don't really get acne. My skin is pretty bright these days.
  4. My skin is beautiful! It's got some wrinkles (like crow's feet and smile lines) that really add to my look.
9. Do you wear makeup?
  1. No, I'm too young for makeup!
  2. Yes, on an average day I wear some light makeup.
  3. No, I prefer my natural face, or I don't like makeup.
  4. Yes, I tend to wear lots of makeup more often than not.
10. Finally, how old are you, actually?
  1. 15 years or younger.
  2. 15 - 20 years old.
  3. 20 - 30 years old.
  4. 30+ years old.

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What’s the Deal with Aging, Anyway?

We all do it, and it’s gonna happen to everyone. If we’re lucky, that is! But that doesn’t stop us from seeing advertisements for anti-aging products everywhere we go, or from being told that we need to look younger to feel better about ourselves. But that’s not really true, is it? Those laugh lines are hard-earned, so wear them proudly!

That said, there are plenty of ways to feel younger, and many of those ways have the side effect of actually making you look younger, too (in case that’s something you’re interested in). Here are just a few:

Wear sunscreen when going outside.
The sun is a good friend, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Sun damage can damage your skin and lead to higher risks of skin cancer. When you’re spending time outdoors, lather up with some SPF 30 or higher. And while you’re at it, apply a mild moisturizer after hopping out of the shower.

Eat a balanced diet.
You’ve probably heard this one time and time again, but it’s true! Your body needs proteins, fruits, veggies, grains, and the whole nine yards to keep its organs—including your skin—healthy and working at their best.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Our bodies are about 60% water, and when we’re lacking water, we get dehydrated, which impacts our overall health and robs us of the hydration we need to look and feel our best. So drink more water! Experts recommend drinking about 12 cups (2.8 liters) per day. And no, alcohol and sugary drinks don’t really count. They may contain water, but all the added sugars and other ingredients make it a losing battle.

Get plenty of sleep.
We all know what a lack of sleep feels like, and so it should come as no surprise to learn that getting 7-8 full hours of sleep each night is one of the best things you can do for your body, both physically and mentally.

Give up drinking alcohol and smoking.
These habits have severe long-term effects on both your insides and outsides, and may even lead to lung cancer or organ diseases. It’s never too late to quit smoking or kick bad drinking habits, and the sooner you do, the younger you’ll feel.