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A list of intriguing and silly questions to jazz up your game of “Put a Finger Down”
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Want to have some fun with a friend, crush, or date playing the “Put a Finger Down” game? It’s an easy game to enjoy in-person or over a video call, and plays a lot like “Never Have I Ever”; all you need to do is take turns asking “Put a finger down…” questions, and put your finger down if that question applies to you. If you want to play but aren’t sure what to ask, look no further! We’ve compiled a handy collection of funny, emotional, spicy, and flirty questions for you to use whenever you need them.

Things You Should Know

  • Put a Finger Down is a TikTok trend. Create a sound with you reading off the questions and record yourself putting a finger down when you've done something.
  • Play with funny prompts that'll make for a super silly video. Or, go with general prompts to teach your audience more about you.
  • Or, play with your partner to learn more about them. For this, you might want to go with deep, spicy, or romantic prompts.
Section 1 of 8:


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  1. 2
    Put a finger down if you have a tattoo.
  2. 3
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever run a marathon.
  3. 4
    Put a finger down if you’ve gone swimming in the Atlantic ocean.
  4. 5
    Put a finger down if you’re a big procrastinator.
  5. 6
    Put a finger down if you’ve had pancakes for dinner.
  6. 7
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever talked to yourself.
  7. 8
    Put a finger down if you’ve met a celebrity.
  8. 9
    Put a finger down if you’ve seen a ghost.
  9. 11
    Put a finger down if you’ve been out of the country.
  10. 12
    Put a finger down if you can bake.
  11. 13
    Put a finger down if you know how to ride a bike.
  12. 14
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever grown your own vegetables.
  13. 15
    Put a finger down if you play soccer.
  14. Advertisement
Section 2 of 8:


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  1. 2
    Put a finger down if you overthink everything.
  2. 3
    Put a finger down if you feel insecure sometimes.
  3. 4
    Put a finger down if you tend to bottle up your emotions.
  4. 5
    Put a finger down if you have mood swings.
  5. 7
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever cried for no reason.
  6. 8
    Put a finger down if you’ve fallen in love at first sight.
  7. 9
    Put a finger down if you’ve met “the one.”
  8. 10
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever felt alone.
  9. Advertisement
Section 3 of 8:


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  1. 2
    Put a finger down if you’ve farted in an elevator and pretended it wasn’t you.
  2. 3
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever been chased by a goose.
  3. 4
    Put a finger down if you’ve gone to work or school with your clothes inside out.
  4. 6
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever laughed so hard you snorted liquid up your nose.
  5. 7
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever peed in the ocean.
  6. 8
    Put a finger down if you’ve said “You too” when a box office clerk tells you to enjoy the movie.
  7. 9
    Put a finger down if you’ve eaten whipped cream right out of the can.
  8. 11
    Put a finger down if you say acronyms like “LOL” out loud.
  9. 12
    Put a finger down if you’ve pretended to be sleep while someone talked to you.
  10. 13
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever tripped over your pet.
  11. 14
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever thought someone was waving at you (but they weren’t).
  12. 15
    Put a finger down if you scream during horror movies.
  13. Advertisement
Section 4 of 8:


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  1. 2
    Put a finger down if you’ve made out in a public place.
  2. 3
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever dined and dashed.
  3. 4
    Put a finger down if you’ve kissed someone you just met.
  4. 5
    Put a finger down if you’ve lied to someone in this room.
  5. 7
    Put a finger down if you’ve flirted to get something you wanted.
  6. 8
    Put a finger down if you’ve dated multiple people at the same time.
  7. 9
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever been hungover.
  8. 10
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever lied about your age.
  9. Advertisement
Section 5 of 8:

Teen Questions

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  1. 2
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever skipped school.
  2. 3
    Put a finger down if you doodle on the back of your paper.
  3. 4
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever fought with your parents.
  4. 5
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever kissed someone.
  5. 7
    Put a finger down if you have a driver’s license.
  6. 8
    Put a finger down if you’ve been grounded.
  7. 9
    Put a finger down if you’ve gone on a date before.
  8. 10
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever pretended to be sick so you could stay home.
  9. 12
    Put a finger down if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
  10. 13
    Put a finger down if you want to go to college.
  11. 14
    Put a finger down if you still sleep with the lights on.
  12. 15
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever danced in front of the mirror with a hairbrush.
  13. Advertisement
Section 6 of 8:

For Couples

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  1. 2
    Put a finger down if you’ve sent a saucy text to the wrong person.
  2. 3
    Put a finger down if you know your significant other’s zodiac sign.
  3. 4
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever gotten a love letter.
  4. 5
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever gone on a blind date.
  5. 7
    Put a finger down if you’ve daydreamed about your wedding day.
  6. 8
    Put a finger down if you smile when you think about your significant other.
  7. 9
    Put a finger down if you stare at your partner (or crush) when they’re not looking.
  8. 10
    Put a finger down if your significant other makes you laugh.
  9. 12
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever been cheated on.
  10. 13
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever been in an open relationship.
  11. 14
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever texted “On my way” while you’re still at work.
  12. 15
    Put a finger down if you have ever ended a relationship via text message.
  13. Advertisement
Section 7 of 8:

For Kids

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  1. 2
    Put a finger down if you have a brother or sister.
  2. 3
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever been out of the country.
  3. 4
    Put a finger down if you sleep with stuffed animals.
  4. 5
    Put a finger down if you get sick on roller coasters.
  5. 7
    Put a finger down if you have a bedtime.
  6. 8
    Put a finger down if you’re in a school club.
  7. 9
    Put a finger down if spiders scare you.
  8. 10
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever gotten lost in a store.
  9. Advertisement
Section 8 of 8:

For Adult (Ages 25 & Up)

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  1. 2
    Put a finger down if you have two or more jobs.
  2. 3
    Put a finger down if you’ve gotten a tattoo you regret.
  3. 4
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter.
  4. 6
    Put a finger down if you have a college degree.
  5. 7
    Put a finger down if you’ve ever forgotten how old you are.
  6. 8
    Put a finger down if you’ve gotten a reading from a psychic.
  7. 9
    Put a finger down if you’re going to school right now.
  8. 10
    Put a finger down if you’ve never lived alone.
  9. Advertisement

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About This Article

Glenn Carreau
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau. Glenn Carreau is a wikiHow Staff Writer, currently based in Los Angeles. With over four years of experience writing for several online publications, she has covered topics ranging from world history to the entertainment industry. Glenn graduated with honors from Columbia College Chicago, earning a B.A. in Interactive Arts and Media and a minor in Professional Writing. Today, Glenn continues to feed her lifelong love of learning while serving wikiHow's many readers. This article has been viewed 123,438 times.
38 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: July 11, 2024
Views: 123,438
Categories: Games
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