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Am I a Sigma Male?

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Loyal, cunning, independent and strong, Sigma is the lone wolf of the male hierarchy. They’re mysterious, but dependable. Silent, but intelligent. A true friend, but a friend to few. Sigmas are a rare breed, but could you be among their ranks?

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A man in a crisp shirt with rolled up sleeves puts one hand in his pocket, as he stares into the distance.

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Questions Overview

1. What’s your biggest strength?
  1. I’m not afraid to march to the beat of my own drum.
  2. I’m great at following orders.
  3. I succeed at school (either in sports, school, or both).
  4. I’m charismatic—no one can resist my smooth talking.
2. Describe your perfect day.
  1. I’m in nature by myself. I work hard during the day—maybe hiking, fishing, or chopping wood—and then wind down at night.
  2. I’d love a nice beach day. Laying out, listening to music, enjoying great food. What’s better than that?
  3. A snow day! School is canceled, and I get to have a blast with all of my closest friends.
  4. I’d hit an awesome party, do some prime networking, and then get some work done, too. Gotta keep grinding!
3. What makes you angry?
  1. Fake people, disloyalty, and bullying.
  2. Getting cut off in traffic and loud chewers.
  3. Getting a bad grade for a test I studied for; when my mom grounds me.
  4. Poor conversationalists and laziness.
4. What is “success” to you?
  1. Self-sufficiency. I’m not chasing “normal” versions of success—I only aim to work hard and please myself.
  2. Comfort. Life is about enjoyment—if I’m having fun, I’m happy.
  3. Anything that impresses my parents—good grades, a sports win, a clean room, or good behavior.
  4. Admiration. When I have a ton of friends and employees who respect and listen to me, that’s when I’ve made it.
5. Would you survive on a desert island by yourself?
  1. Absolutely. This is what I was built for. I’m resourceful, independent, and unafraid of hard work.
  2. A desert island? No…Could anyone? I’d definitely die quickly.
  3. Probably not right now, but maybe one day, when I’m older.
  4. I’m pretty smart and strong, but I tend to work best in a team, so I’m not sure.
6. Which statement best describes your love life:
  1. I usually prefer to be alone. But when I meet someone really special, I might finally decide to commit.
  2. Eh. Like anyone, I have highs and lows. Sometimes I’m the heartbreaker, sometimes I’m the heartbroken.
  3. I don’t have a ton of dating experience yet. I’m still young.
  4. Me? I’m very popular romantically. I feel like I could get whoever I want, and I’m a great boyfriend, too.
7. Pick a future life:
  1. I’m my own boss, making my own rules, living in a remote cabin. I might have a small, loving family, or I might be happily alone.
  2. I’d be happy with a few friends, a decent job, and a house in the suburbs. That’s all I need!
  3. I’m not sure what life I want yet. It’d be cool to be an athlete or an actor, I guess!
  4. Picture this: a penthouse in the city. A big circle of charming friends, black-tie events, and my own wildly successful business.
8. You just walked into a crowded birthday party. What’s your first thought?
  1. Ugh, I hate these events. I’d much rather be at home, in my own company.
  2. I hope they like the gift I brought. I’m always worried that I picked an awful present...
  3. All I’m thinking about is 1. Will they have good games? And 2. What flavor is the cake?
  4. Nothing more exciting than a room full of people. Time to dive into conversation and make my mark.
9. Which of the following quotes sounds most like something you’d say?
  1. Insist on yourself. Never imitate others.
  2. I’m a little insecure, but I’m working on it every day.
  3. No cap, bro.
  4. If you want to be on my team, you have to earn it.
10. Do you value silence?
  1. Yes, I prefer it. I never talk just to talk.
  2. Not really. I like small talk because it fills awkward silences and makes people feel comfortable.
  3. No, silence is boring and I get enough of that at school. I want to talk and laugh with my friends!
  4. No. Communication is power, and my goal is always to win people over. So silence is a waste of time.
11. Do you like working in teams or working solo?
  1. I can work on a team when I have to, but I strongly prefer solo work.
  2. I like teamwork because there’s less pressure.
  3. I don’t have a preference (as long as I get everything done and don’t have to take it home as homework).
  4. I strongly prefer teamwork, but only when I’m the leader.
12. A genie grants you a wish. What do you choose?
  1. Invisibility. Or, a magic hall pass that gets me out of annoying conversations.
  2. The ability to fly for a day.
  3. The ability to skip class whenever I want without getting in trouble.
  4. The ability to speak any language. Now I can talk to anyone, anywhere!

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The Male Hierarchy: Alpha, Sigma, Beta, Oh My!

What is the male hierarchy? The concept of a “male social hierarchy” has gained popularity recently, but what does it mean? Picture this: a pyramid thought to organize men into different social categories based on their personal qualities, values, and level of influence. It doesn’t have any basis in science at all, though people regularly assume that it does. Why? Because the term “alpha” is valid in ecological sciences and used to describe the top dog in a wolf pack. Though the male hierarchy was modeled after a wolf pack’s structure, there’s no genuine research connecting the two ideas. The male hierarchy is thought to consist of Alphas, Sigmas, Betas, Deltas, Gammas, and Omegas (ordered from top to bottom). Types at the top of the pyramid (Alpha, Sigma, etc.) have fewer members, while types at the bottom of the period (Gammas, Omegas) make up society’s majority.

Sigma. Sigmas top the pyramid. They’re considered one of the two most powerful and influential types. They’re diligent, independent, strong, principled, loyal, and they stand up for what’s right. While Alphas lead the male hierarchy, Sigmas choose not to participate. Instead, they strike out on their own.

Alpha. Like Sigmas, Alphas sit at the top of the pyramid. They’re energetic, ambitious, hard working, charismatic, extroverted, and strong leaders. Alphas act within the male hierarchy system, but are thought to have more power and influence than any of the other types. They’re the boss.

Beta. Betas come next on the pyramid. They’re number two in command to the Alpha, and are usually the Alpha’s close confidant. They share some qualities that contribute to an Alpha’s popularity and power (charm, leadership skills, etc.). But still, a Beta is loyal to the Alpha.

Delta. Deltas are smart, competent, consistent, and stable. These men take orders from Alphas and Betas, and generally speaking, they’re good at what they do. They hold normal jobs, have normal lives, and tend to find success.

Gamma. Gammas are thought to be the intellects of the male hierarchy. They’re in touch with their feelings and value vulnerability. Idealistic and creative, Gammas are often criticized in the male hierarchy because they stir up trouble and buck the system’s norms.

Omega. Omegas are thought to make up the lowest rung on the male hierarchical pyramid. These men are viewed in an unfair, two-dimensional lens and are labeled as permanently “unsuccessful” by the male hierarchy. But we know that this lacks context and nuance—no one always fails, and every successful person has fallen on their face from time to time. So does failure make you an “Omega”? No, and we’ll tell you why below.

What’s the problem with social hierarchies? The world is a complicated place. When people are uncomfortable navigating its inevitable grey areas, they might feel tempted to force-fit people into labels, hierarchies, and structures like the one outlined above. But the truth is, there is no evidence to support the male hierarchy concept, and we can tell you why: because people don’t actually fit into clear-cut “hierarchies” like this.

Sigma, Delta, Alpha, whoever—as long as you’re respecting others, following your values, and being authentic, you’re doing just fine. The “power” and “influence” tied to the “Sigma” label might appeal to you, but trust us: being true to yourself (and ditching the labels!) is the strongest thing you can do.

Want to learn more?

For more information about the male social hierarchy, masculinity, and men's mental health, check out these resources below.

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  • Doge A.

    Doge A.

    Jun 22

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