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Discover the life you were meant to lead
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For most of us, we’ve all wondered what our purpose is here on earth. With billions of people on the planet, it can seem a tricky task to uncover what each of our souls were put here to do. The truth is, however, discovering your soul purpose and the meaning of your life is easier than you think. We’re here to cover all the bases on what a soul's purpose is, how to discover yours, and how to live the life you were meant to.

What is a “soul purpose?”

Your soul's purpose is the reason you are here on earth; it’s the guiding light that illuminates your life's true calling and brings you the deepest sense of fulfillment. It's what motivates you to rise each morning. A soul purpose can be anything from sharing your gifts with the world to being kind to all.

Section 1 of 5:

What does “soul purpose” mean?”

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  1. When people speak of their “soul purpose” in life, they are describing their purpose here in the world. Your soul purpose is generally anything that fills you up with peace, love, and joy.[1]
    • For some, discovering their soul purpose happens early on, while others only awaken to their purpose after a transformative event. The signs are there, but it's not until we turn our focus inward that these hints begin to make sense.[2]
    • We all have an innate understanding of our purpose, but modern life often distracts us from this inner knowing. Becoming overly consumed by our thoughts and physical experiences leaves little time for introspection and connection to our deeper spiritual nature. To uncover our soul's purpose and share it with the world, we must first reconnect with our true selves.
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Finding Your Soul Purpose

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  1. Amidst the constant demands and expectations of our external world, we can easily lose touch with the inner wisdom of our own souls. Close your eyes and visualize a tangible connection with your heart, or imagine a white light cascading over you. Sitting like this with no distractions can be a great way to communicate with your soul. You’ll know your soul is speaking to you when you feel comforted and loved.[3] Some common questions you might ask your soul include:
    • What am I good at?[4]
    • What part of my day is joyful?
    • What brought me joy as a child?
    • What in my life no longer serves me—emotionally, physically, and spiritually?
    • Have I had any accidents that served as wake-up calls for me?
    • Who are my role models and icons?
    • What do I often teach others?
    • What are my dreams and desires?
    • How do I help others transform?
    • If I had one year to live, what would I do?
  2. Sometimes, the things that others admire most about us are the traits we had no idea we had. Your closest friends, family, and coworkers may be able to offer valuable insights into your greatest strengths. While it's important to trust your own intuition, hearing an outside perspective can be helpful as you discover your purpose.
    • Most of us have more than one soul purpose. You might be great at so many things—and that’s ok! All of these are your soul purpose. More often than not, each thing ties together in the end to create one sole, divine purpose.[5]
    • Your natural talents and abilities are integral to your soul's purpose—whether that's being an avid listener, musician, mediator, creator, or simply lifting others up with your smile. Don't feel your purpose has to be some grand, unattainable goal like winning an Oscar or sailing to the moon. (But if those are your goals that’s totally fine, too!) Sometimes the most meaningful work is the day-to-day impact you have on those around you.[6]
  3. Journaling increases self-awareness, stimulates happiness, releases emotions, increases creativity and IQ, and promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.[7] Putting pen to paper allows us to freely express our innermost feelings and desires. Moreover, a journal provides the ideal space to document your deepest aspirations and how achieving them would bring you joy and fulfillment.[8]
    • Chronicling the sources of happiness already present in your life is just as vital, as reflecting on what uplifts you can deepen that sense of contentment.[9]
  4. This is essential for understanding who you are and how you want to live your life. These fundamental aspects of your identity directly reflect your character and shape your purpose.[10]
    • Once you identify these values, you can let go of anything that doesn’t serve you. Set aside the pressures of time and trust that you are on the divine path. As you progress, outdated people, situations, and energies will naturally fall away.[11]
  5. This powerful practice can deepen your self-awareness. Notice what resonates with you, become aware of your true interests and passions, and reflect on your authentic self. Cultivating this self-knowledge will positively impact all areas of your life, especially your journey to discover your soul purpose.[12]
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How do you stick to living your soul purpose?

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  1. Take time to connect with your inner voice, spiritual guides, or higher power in a way that feels meaningful to you. Create a calm, focused space to listen attentively. Remain patient if the desired response does not come right away.[13]
  2. Regularly engage in self-healing, self-reflection, and introspection to ensure your actions align with your authentic self. Check in with yourself frequently to confirm your current soul purpose still feels right as you continue growing and evolving.[14]
    • It's natural for your soul purpose to shift over time as you progress through life. Be open to adjusting your purpose to match where you're at now, starting with dedicated time for self-reflection.[15]
  3. Embrace the practices that resonate with you, whether that's meditation, astrology, tarot, rituals, crystals, or time in nature. These modalities speak to you for a reason. Prioritize self-care and energy hygiene to navigate the changes in your life. Do what's necessary to lift your own vibration in order to be open to messages the universe may be sending you.[16]
  4. Embracing your intuition will guide you, even if it leads you down unfamiliar paths. Trusting the process for each step, no matter how disconnected it may seem, is part of your divine life purpose. Your intuition is the language of your soul; heed its wisdom and allow it to steer you towards your true calling. Have faith in the journey, even when it takes you beyond your comfort zone. Your intuition knows the way forward.[17]
  5. Your soul purpose is all about feeling at peace and at home while doing things that are true to your calling and pursuing your passions. Whether you enjoy sports, art, writing, music, or traveling, if it calls to you, that means your soul is asking to do it!
  6. To maintain living your soul’s purpose, you'll likely need to experiment and do things you find scary or intimidating. Trying novel experiences and exploring different paths can help you discover what you were always meant to do.[18]
    • Expand your horizons and remain open-minded. Your soul's calling might be something you never even knew existed. By widening your perspectives, you'll open yourself up to a world of undiscovered possibilities.[19]
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Section 4 of 5:

The Impact of Living Your Life According to Your Soul’s Purpose

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  1. Igniting your inner light—your soul and spirit—allows you to illuminate the world in a way that is uniquely yours. By following what inspires and energizes you, you tap into your true spirit and flow with the universe. This alignment allows you to live the life you were born to live - the exceptional life that only you can manifest.[20]
  2. Your soul purpose is not about outward actions, but rather about your inner state of being. It is about aligning with your true self, cultivating connection and compassion. Giving expression to this purpose brings a profound sense of fulfillment and meaning, for it is the very reason you are here on this earth.[21] Pretty cool, right?
    • Regardless of your profession, your chosen work ultimately stems from a deeper spiritual well that gives shape and meaning to our lives. This work, laden with both visible and hidden values, speaks to our innermost selves, revealing why we do what we do and what it is meant to teach or cultivate within us.[22]
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Finding Your Soul Purpose Through Astrology

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  1. While they may not be able to give you specific details about the when and where, a professional astrology reading can offer guidance and direction to help confirm you are on the right path. They may also help you interpret your birth chart.[23]
    • It's important to set a clear intention or focus when you make your appointment. Approaching the reading with a specific question or area of interest, such as understanding your soul's purpose, will help ensure you have a more meaningful and productive experience.[24]
  2. Your sun, moon, lunar nodes, Saturn, and midheaven signs are the key points in your chart that can reveal your life’s calling. Each of these sheds a unique light on your expression, your soul’s lineage, your subconscious, your opportunity and skills, and your highest calling. Working with a professional astrologer will help you uncover each of these if you are unsure what they are.[25]
    • There are many trusted astrologers online through websites like Etsy. There, you can pay a fee to have your entire birth chart made up, which will give you insight as to which planets and houses you are in line with.
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About This Article

Jason Zuk
Reviewed by:
Intuitive Psychic Medium
This article was reviewed by Jason Zuk and by wikiHow staff writer, Annie Johnston. Jason Zuk is a Psychic Medium based in Tampa, Florida. He has almost 20 years of experience and has worked professionally as a psychic medium for six years. Jason works with people to confront obstacles and challenges so they can reach personal clarity. He is the Producer and Host of the podcast, The Social Psychic Radio Show, which is a seven-time Award Winning Podcast ranked in the Top 2% of all podcasts globally. Jason is also the Producer and Co-Host with Megan Kane of his second show, Psychic Visions Podcast, which is signed with ElectraCast Media. Jason received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Tampa, a Juris Doctorate from Nova Southeastern University, and an LL.M. (Master of Law) in International & Comparative Law from Georgetown University.
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