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What is My Theriotype?

Take this quiz to find out what animal you are!

We’ve all imagined being our favorite animals at some point, but what if that connection went deeper? That’s how it is for therians, or people who identify (to some degree) as non-human animals. Your “theriotype” is the animal with which you connect and embody, and we’re here to help you find yours!

Just answer these 10 quick questions, and we’ll assign you a theriotype based on your answers. Go with your gut, and don’t overthink it! We like to think we’re pretty accurate, but still, take this quiz as more of an introduction—or a signpost pointing in the direction of your own theriotype. At the end of the day, only you can make that decision for yourself!

A woman stands in the foreground with a wolf behind her on the left and a shark behind her on the right.

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Questions Overview

1. First, choose your domain:
  1. The sky. I would want to fly high and free.
  2. The water. I would want to explore the mysteries of the deep.
  3. Land. I’d like to stay grounded and rooted, but roam where I please.
  4. More than one, or somewhere in between. I'm adaptable!
2. Choose a sense to enhance, or a heightened sense that you already have:
  1. Eyes that can pick out the smallest details, like a telescope.
  2. A tongue that can pick up every subtle flavor.
  3. A nose I use to smell goodies from miles away.
  4. Ears that let me hear the smallest sounds, even in a bustling environment.
3. Do you prefer to roll with a pack or flock, or go solo?
  1. I'm usually with a group, whether that's my friends or family.
  2. I definitely prefer to go solo. There's less to tie me down.
  3. I tend to do both equally! I like being social, but alone time is important.
  4. I don't know!
4. Which animal body part would you want most—or which one do you feel most connected to?
  1. A tail to help me balance and navigate the world.
  2. Claws or fangs to cut like a knife.
  3. Wings that let me soar above everything.
  4. Fins or gills to dive deep underwater.
5. What food do you tend to crave the most?
  1. Meat, definitely. So savory, so juicy...
  2. Grains and nuts! Versatile, salty, and an easy snack.
  3. Fruits and veggies, for sure. I love a fresh bite.
  4. I'm not picky! If it's food, I want it.
6. Uh oh, we sense danger! Imagine: how do you prepare?
  1. I get ready for a fight. I know how to defend myself and stand my ground.
  2. I hide! I'm not much for fighting, and would prefer to lie low.
  3. I flee. There's no shame in running! I win with my speed.
  4. Danger? If anything, I'm the danger.
7. Pick an ambient noise you find calming:
  1. The rustle of leaves in a forest canopy.
  2. The sound of a city, with so many people living their lives.
  3. The sound of running water.
  4. The sound of crickets chirping in the evening.
8. Choose a bed to sleep in:
  1. A mattress of long, wild grasses under the big sky.
  2. A cozy den with my loved ones all around me.
  3. A lofty nest meticulously assembled for the best view.
  4. Warm stones near a creek and which hold the heat of the day.
9. Animals (even humans!) need enrichment. How do you stave off boredom?
  1. I like to solve puzzles to keep my mind sharp and problem-solving on-point.
  2. I like to form bonds and relationships with other people. There's strength in community!
  3. I seek thrills and take risks to get my heartrate pumping and hone my predator/prey instincts.
  4. I exercise, explore, and look for adventure! Being cooped up makes me restless.
10. On a chilly winter day, you're most likely:
  1. Cuddled up by a fire.
  2. Playing in the snow!
  3. Hunting or working hard.
  4. I don't really *do* winter. I can’t stand the cold.

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More About Theriotypes

What is a theriotype?
Therians are a community of people who feel strong connections to non-human, so much so that they identify as those animals, while still understanding that, at least physically, they’re still human. It varies for each therian, though. Some people identify totally with a certain animal, while others feel a looser, less complete connection. Some even identify as more than one! A theriotype is the sort of animal a therian identifies with, and this quiz is meant to help you find yours!

Similarly, otherkin fully or partially identify as nonhuman animals, but may more broadly identify with anything nonhuman. “Otherkin” is the umbrella that therians fall under. Also, fictionkin identify as fictional characters or species.

So wait, are therians furries?
Nope! Furries are people who enjoy aspects or content of certain animals, whether they admire those animals or enjoy emulating those animals. Crucially, furries don’t necessarily identify as their chosen animal, or “fursona.” Rather, they enjoy creating a sort of alter ego to embody. Therians, on the other hand, share a much closer bond with their individual theriotype. That said, there’s a lot of overlap in the communities, and some therians might also be furries, and vice versa.

What’s it like being a therian?
Therian experiences are as diverse as any other sort of person’s experience! Some therians experience shifting, which is when they embody the experiences of their theriotype. For example, “phantom shifting” is when a therian has the sensation of having a physical body part associated with their theriotype, like a tail or large ears, and “sensory shifting” is when a therian experiences the senses of their particular theriotype. Mental and dream shifting are when a therian embodies their theriotype psychologically, or in a dream. Some therians even astral shift, or traverse the astral plane as the theriotype!

But you don’t have to shift to be a therian. Some have a more casual experience, or choose to participate in “quadrobics,” which is when they move on all fours, or as their theriotype moves. Others even keep their experiences mental, and enjoy the psychology of it! How you express your theriotype can be up to you.

Want to learn more?

For more information about therians and theriotypes, visit the following resources:

Reader Success Stories

  • J D B.

    J D B.

    Jun 23

    "Amorphous is excellent. It definitely helps learning about yourself and is fun too."
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