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What Pokémon Am I?

Take this quiz to find out!

Pokémon characters. Some are adorable, some are fierce, and some are downright iconic. In your heart of hearts, are you determined and stubborn like Pikachu? Or are you more brave and bold like Charizard? Or, is a totally different, super rare Pokémon your best match?

We’ve got the perfect quiz for you. Hit the “Start” button to discover your Pokémon alter ego.

A cartoon picture of the Pokémon Pikachu with a blue background.

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Questions Overview

1. What do you want to be remembered for?
  1. As someone who helps others.
  2. As someone who follows their dreams.
  3. As someone who is true to themselves.
  4. As someone who is a total mystery to others.
2. If you could have any type of pet, what would it be?
  1. Something strong, like a dog.
  2. Something calm, like a cat.
  3. Something small and cute, like a rabbit.
  4. Something mysterious, like a snake.
3. Which iconic cartoon catchphrase would you be most likely to start saying?
  1. “D'oh!”
  2. “What's up, Doc?”
  3. “Jinkies!”
  4. “Good grief!”
4. Time for a sweet treat! What candy are you munching on?
  1. Something chocolatey, like M&Ms.
  2. Something with peanut butter, like Reese’s.
  3. Something sour, like Sour Patch Kids.
  4. Something super sweet, like Airheads.
5. What’s your biggest fear?
  1. Spiders
  2. Flying
  3. Heights
  4. Thunderstorms
6. What’s your favorite time of the day?
  1. Morning
  2. Afternoon
  3. Evening
  4. Late at night
7. Which piece of decor would you use to decorate your room?
  1. A sequined pillow that can change its pattern.
  2. A lava lamp that glows in my favorite colors.
  3. A set of black-out curtains that make it easy to sleep.
  4. A huge area rug that’s in a cool design.
8. Why did you pull an all-nighter last night?
  1. I was doing something school-/work-related.
  2. I was playing video games with a friend.
  3. I was binging a TV show.
  4. I wasn’t tired.
9. What’s your go-to coffee order?
  1. Something classic, like a cappuccino.
  2. Something seasonal, like a gingerbread or pumpkin spice latte.
  3. Something extra sweet, like a green tea frappuccino.
  4. I actually prefer tea over coffee, like an Earl Grey latte.
10. What’s your least favorite thing that happens in horror movies?
  1. When everyone decides to split up. Seriously?! Is that really the best idea?
  2. Anything that involves scary dolls. Just… no.
  3. When people are slow running away from the bad guys. Hello? Are you trying to get caught?
  4. When the police are called, but they don’t help. So frustrating!
11. Choose your favorite super silly (but totally real!) Pokémon:
  1. A Pokémon that transforms into useful household appliances, like a lawnmower or washing machine (Rotom).
  2. A totally kooky, wild Pokémon that’s half giraffe and half….something…(Girafarig).
  3. A Pokémon that is literally a giant bag of trash (Garbodor).
  4. A super cute and sweet Pokémon that’s basically a talking scoop of vanilla ice cream (Vanillish).
12. What special power would you like to have if you were a Pokémon?
  1. The power to control fire.
  2. The power to control water.
  3. The power to fly high in the sky.
  4. The power to read minds.
13. How would your friends describe you in a single word?
  1. Curious
  2. Loyal
  3. Sweet
  4. Wise
14. Pick a meaningful quote to live by:
  1. “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”
  2. “Where there’s life, there’s hope.”
  3. “If a fear cannot be articulated, it cannot be conquered.”
  4. “And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.”
15. Which season gives off the most amazing vibes?
  1. Spring
  2. Summer
  3. Autumn
  4. Winter
16. What type of starter Pokémon would you choose for your adventure?
  1. A cute Fire-type Pokémon, like Charmander.
  2. A cheerful Grass-type Pokémon, like Bulbasaur.
  3. A bold Water-type Pokémon, like Squirtle.
  4. All of them sound like great options—I’m flexible!

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All About Pokémon

The first Pokémon game landed on the shelves in 1996—and the gaming world has never been the same since. But what exactly is this franchise about, and why are the games still popular to this day?

What is Pokémon?

  • Pokémon is a gaming franchise owned by the Japanese gaming company Nintendo and video game developer Game Freak. Originally known as “Pocket Monsters,” Pokémon is a game that invites players to explore fictional worlds filled with Pokémon, or wild creatures that can harness elemental abilities. The player’s goal is to catch and battle with these Pokémon with the eventual goal of becoming the Pokémon Champion of the game’s fictional region. Each game typically features some villainous force as well, which is causing some sort of chaos that the player must put a stop to.
  • The gameplay mechanics of Pokémon resemble a complex version of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Each Pokémon type has other types that it’s both stronger and weaker against. The player’s goal is to create a well-balanced team that can conquer a variety of different challengers. In fact, most Pokémon games require players to beat Gyms—these are locations throughout the game that specialize in a specific Pokémon type (e.g., Water gym, Fire gym, Grass gym, etc.).
  • Most games feature a storyline where the player receives a “starter” Pokémon from the in-game Pokémon professor. This Pokémon is typically a Grass-, Water-, or Fire-type.

How many Pokémon are there?

  • There are over 1,000 Pokémon in the franchise currently, with all of them categorized by type (an elemental category that defines the type of abilities a Pokémon can specialize in). Some Pokémon are dual types, meaning that they can specialize in two different types of elements. There are 18 types in total, including:
    • Normal
    • Fire
    • Water
    • Grass
    • Electric
    • Ice
    • Fighting
    • Poison
    • Ground
    • Flying
    • Psychic
    • Bug
    • Rock
    • Ghost
    • Dragon
    • Dark
    • Steel
    • Fairy

Which Pokémon are the most popular?

  • Dedenne (an adorable Electric- and Fairy-type rodent) is the most popular Pokémon, according to an official 2021 survey run by Nintendo. Cinccino, Sableye, Snivy, Magnemite, Swadloon, Pikachu, Buzzwole, Oshawott, and Flygon also had spots in the top 10 roster. Here’s a closer look at the most popular Pokémon by region/generation:
    • Kanto/Gen I: Magnemite, Pikachu, Charizard, Eevee, Bulbasaur
    • Johto/Gen II: Umbreon, Marill, Wobbuffet, Azumarill, Pichu
    • Hoenn/Gen III: Sableye, Flygon, Whismur, Jirachi, Spheal
    • Sinnoh/Gen IV: Piplup, Empoleon, Luxray, Glaceon, Lucario
    • Unova/Gen V: Cinccino, Snivy, Swadloon, Oshawott, Chandelure
    • Kalos/Gen VI: Dedenne, Greninja, Barbaracle, Sliggoo, Sylveon
    • Alola/Gen VII: Buzzwole, Mimkyu, Rowlet, Incineroar, Celesteela
    • Galar/Gen VIII: Inteleon, Polteageist, Alcremie, Corviknight, Grimmsnarl

Reader Success Stories

  • T-Rex 9.

    T-Rex 9.

    Jun 20

    "I was Charizard! And everything they mentioned about me was true, with a capital T."
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