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When Will I Die?

Take this quiz to find out the date of your demise!

The Grim Reaper comes for us all, but have you ever wondered when, exactly, he'll knock on your door? Are you a live-fast, die-young thrillseeker, or more of a slow-burn kind of soul?

Answer our 12 quick questions and we’ll peer into the future to tell you when, and even how, you’ll meet your end. Just be totally sure you actually want to find out. We’re like, scary accurate... Probably.

The hand of an old, tarnished statue holds a rose.

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Questions Overview

1. Pick your dream job:
  1. Lion tamer, fighter jet pilot, or stunt double.
  2. Firefighter or police officer.
  3. Hmmm, maybe doctor, lawyer, or teacher.
  4. Health and wellness coach. I basically do that already anyway!
2. How active are you?
  1. I get my exercise by running from danger. And extreme sports.
  2. Sedentary. I'm too clumsy to work out much.
  3. Active enough. I hit the gym every now and then.
  4. If I'm not at the gym, I'm probably already dead. I never miss my workout.
3. Where do you live?
  1. I'm never in one place for too long.
  2. The city.
  3. The suburbs.
  4. The countryside.
4. How often do you visit the doctor?
  1. Only when I can't patch myself up on my own. I feel like going to the doctor is a total waste.
  2. Frequently. There's always something up with me.
  3. I try to go once a year for a checkup.
  4. I’m the pinnacle of health. I barely ever need the doctor.
5. What's your diet like?
  1. Greasy. Mostly fast food and gas station snacks.
  2. I often forget to eat. Oops.
  3. Balanced. I try to hit all the major food groups.
  4. Vegetarian/vegan. Organic. Locally sourced. Raw.
6. Be honest: what's your biggest vice?
  1. Drama. I cause trouble just for fun.
  2. I can get pretty lazy or sloppy.
  3. I sometimes smoke, vape, or drink to relax.
  4. I am just so in love with my life. Is that…does that count?
7. We offer you $10,000 to pet a wild grizzly. What do you do?
  1. Sounds like fun! You don't even have to offer $10,000. I'm there.
  2. Sure, I'll take my chances. But double the money.
  3. Absolutely not. That's wildly irresponsible.
  4. I request the money upfront, then bolt. I know they won't catch me.
8. You're a bystander in a bank robbery. What do you do?
  1. I offer to help the thieves for a cut of the cash.
  2. With my luck, I end up as one the hostages.
  3. I keep my head down and stay quiet to get out alive.
  4. I tactfully negotiate with the bandits to let everyone else go.
9. How much sleep do you get?
  1. Who needs sleep?
  2. Maybe 4-5 hours a night.
  3. A full 8 hours.
  4. I'm on a scientifically optimized power nap regimen.
10. What's your dream vacation?
  1. Sky diving. Backcountry skiing. Street racing.
  2. Staying home and catching up on my shows.
  3. I'd use my paid time off to sit on a beach somewhere.
  4. An intensive 7-day hot yoga retreat.
11. Pick a life motto:
  1. What’s life without constant, terrifying risk?
  2. Go big or go home!
  3. Live and let live.
  4. You can never be too careful.
12. Finally, when do you see yourself kicking the bucket?
  1. Life’s unpredictable. It could be tomorrow for all I know...
  2. 5 years from now...
  3. Not until I retire, at least.
  4. I'm in it for the long haul. I wanna be OLD old.

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Living Longer (and Better)

Okay, so maybe an internet test isn’t the most accurate way to predict when you’ll die or how old you’ll get. But your answers and results might give you some hints for what to do to make sure you’re living life to the fullest (and safest). Here are some steps you can take right now to make sure you’re on the road to happy and healthy old age:

  • Get a checkup once or twice a year. Your doctor’s job is to find out what’s wrong with your body, if anything, and help cure or manage it. If you never see a doctor, you might miss important red flags when it comes to your health. Even seeing an online doctor can help you stay in tip-top shape.

  • Eat a balanced diet with 3 meals a day. You can totally eat healthy without dieting. What’s important is giving your body the fuel and nutrition it needs to do its job. Some doctors do recommend the Mediterranean diet, which features whole grains, produce, beans, fish, poultry, and healthy fats.

  • Aim to exercise about 30 minutes a day. There’s no need to be a gym rat, but experts tend to recommend about a half hour each day of light to moderate exercise to help your body stay limber, strong, and capable. Try a fast-paced walk, a jog, or swimming!

  • Get around 8 hours of sleep each night. Almost every process in your body benefits from having a good night’s sleep. Proper sleep gives you the energy and awareness you need to make it through your day with flying colors. Doctors recommend 7-9 hours of sleep each night for adults, and 8-10 hours for teenagers.

  • Quit smoking to improve your overall health. Did you know that smoking is the leading cause of preventable death? It drags your body down and can lead to a whole lot of diseases and avoidable ailments. If you smoke, quitting is maybe the single best thing you can do for your body right now.

  • Cut back on alcohol. Like smoking, alcohol can be a real buzzkill when it comes to your health. Experts recommend that adults drink only about a single alcoholic beverage a day, at most. If alcohol is a big factor in your life, consider giving up drinking, for your body’s sake.

  • Spend lots of time with friends and family. Our bodies and minds are inseparable; nourishing one nourishes the other. One of the best ways to keep your brain happy is to spend time in good company. Your friends and loved ones help to boost your mood, outlook, and even physical health! Time to hit ‘em up to hand out.

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    Jun 21

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