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What Disney Villain Am I?

Take this quiz to find out!

Ambitious, witty, and cunning. These are all qualities of a Disney villain, and while the villains of a story aren’t always the most loved, they’re always the most fun! We bet you have your favorite—maybe you even secretly wished they would’ve won—but have you ever thought about who you’re most like?

Answer these fun personality questions to learn what Disney villain you are. Now, this isn’t to say you’re evil; it’s just a bit of fun! Plus, villains have plenty of good attributes, too. Maybe you’re determined like the Evil Queen, humorous like Hades, or charming like Dr. Facilier. There’s only one way to find out: take this quiz!

Remember, this quiz is just for fun! We’re definitely not calling anyone a villain.

A collage of silhouettes of the Disney villains Madame Tremaine, Hades, Maleficent, and the Evil Queen.

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Questions Overview

1. What’s most important to you as a villain?
  1. Being powerful and in control.
  2. Getting what I want when I want it.
  3. Seeking revenge and justice.
  4. Having fun while getting what I want.
2. What’s the motivation behind your evil ways?
  1. Power
  2. Beauty
  3. Money
  4. Revenge
3. What color palette speaks to you most?
  1. Emerald, black, and violet.
  2. Red, white, and gold.
  3. Black, lavender, and maroon.
  4. Blue, gray, and purple.
4. What do you look for in a sidekick?
  1. Sidekick? Yeah, no. I don’t need one of those.
  2. Wit. I need someone that can play off my snide remarks.
  3. Silence. I’m the star here.
  4. Obedience. I need someone who’ll listen to my commands.
5. What word best describes you?
  1. Determined
  2. Playful
  3. Opportunistic
  4. Humorous
6. Which of these describes your ideal evil lair?
  1. An elegant castle in the middle of a kingdom.
  2. An ancient castle on a faraway mountain.
  3. An underground bunker with plush cushions and heavy drapes.
  4. Beats me! I can make up evil plans anywhere and everywhere.
7. What do you value most?
  1. Winning, duh.
  2. Being right (because I usually am).
  3. Myself—I’m pretty fantastic.
  4. Power. Yeah, I want to rule the world.
8. After a long day of eviling, what are you craving most?
  1. Black and white cookies
  2. A gooey, cheesy pizza
  3. A big, juicy steak
  4. Tea and biscuits
9. Out of these options, which do you hate most?
  1. Beautiful people
  2. True love
  3. Losing
  4. How can I choose? I hate everything.
10. What’s the first thing you do after a long day?
  1. Gaze into the mirror and tell myself I’m wonderful.
  2. Slam the door, turn off my phone, and tune out the world.
  3. Call a friend to vent.
  4. Take a nap. I need energy to keep up with all my evil plans.
11. Which of these accessories can you not live without?
  1. Jewelry. Earrings, necklaces—I love them all!
  2. A dramatic hat. Don’t judge! It’s practical and stylish.
  3. A mirror. I couldn’t possibly not look at myself.
  4. My water bottle. Villains need to stay hydrated, too.
12. If you had all the money in the world, what would you buy first?
  1. A new house with a closet as big as my bedroom.
  2. A gold crown. What? I’m classy.
  3. A chef who’ll cook whatever I want whenever I want it.
  4. A housemaid. I’ll never do chores again!
13. Say the good guys lose and you win. What do you do in victory?
  1. Let out a bone-chilling evil laugh.
  2. Chuckle and clap my hands together.
  3. Grin from ear to ear.
  4. Dance. What? Can’t a villain like to boogie?

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10 Fun Facts About Disney Villains

We all have our favorite Disney films. Maybe you love Cinderella, The Princess and the Frog, or even 101 Dalmatians. But have you ever thought about the villains within those films? Sure, the princesses, loveable sidekicks, and starring characters leave an impression, but what about the villains? After all, your favorite characters couldn’t get a happily ever after if it wasn’t for the villain's hijinx.

Check out these fun facts about Disney’s top villains. We bet you’ll learn something new (and maybe even discover a new favorite villainous character)!

1. Scar from The Lion King’s real name is Taka, which means “waste” in Swahili. In contrast, Mufasa means “king.”
2. The Evil Queen’s scream from the end of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is reused in Sleeping Beauty when Maleficent meets her end.
3. Cruella de Vil was going to be the villain of The Rescuers, but the creative team decided to create the new villain Madame Medusa.
4. Gaston from Beauty and the Beast was originally going to be a noble, not a buff and brute villager.
5. Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog was originally going to be named Dr. Duvalier, after the real Haitian dictator Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier.
6. Hades from Hercules is based on the actor who voiced the character James Woods, as his interpretation of the role blew the production team away.
7. Peter Pan’s Captain Hook and Mr. Darling are voiced by the same actor, Hans Conried.
8. Lady Tremaine from Cinderella and Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty were voiced by the same actress, Eleanor Audley.
9. The first line to ever be spoken in a full-length Disney animated film was by a villain: The Evil Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
10. Beauty and the Beast’s Gaston is the first male villain to appear in a Disney Princess film.

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  • Aayushree K.

    Aayushree K.

    Jun 11

    "I loved how it asked me fun and interesting questions! Thanks for making this awesome quiz!!"
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