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Which Friend Am I?

Take this quiz to find out!

In a friend group, each member brings a unique personality and set of strengths to the table. Because of this, everyone has a special role in their friend group—so what’s yours? Are you the caring and sweet-natured “mom” friend, the trendy yet rebellious hipster friend, or something else? Look no further: we’ve got the answer for you!

Answer our questions, and we’ll tell you exactly what kind of friend you are based on your personality—and why your special role is so important to the entire friend group.

A cheerful group of two men and three women huddle together and hold each other, smiling at the camera.

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Questions Overview

1. Which do you find funniest?
  1. Goofy puns.
  2. Tumblr memes.
  3. Stand-up comedy clips.
  4. Celebrity reaction videos.
2. You’re with your friends and see someone standing off by themselves. What do you do?
  1. Say hi and ask if everything’s okay.
  2. Walk over and tell a joke to break the ice.
  3. Invite them along to a big group activity that I carefully planned for next weekend.
  4. Call them over, make introductions, and invite them to join the discussion.
3. What are your favorite topics to bring up with friends?
  1. I enjoy discussing topical things like the news or social issues.
  2. I bring up pop culture topics and all the shows I’m watching.
  3. I send them funny videos and memes all day, every day.
  4. I talk about personal stuff (like who I’m crushing on!).
4. Your BFF just won an award! How do you react?
  1. I congratulate them sincerely and tell them how great they are.
  2. I plan a celebratory party with our friends.
  3. I talk up their accomplishment to everyone I know!
  4. I just give them a great, big hug.
5. Your friend group is trying to make plans in the group chat. What are you doing?
  1. I say, “I can hang out whenever!” and let them figure out the rest.
  2. I tell them when I’m free and try to help come up with the best time to hang.
  3. I’m a little hard to pin down and say, “I’m free, but only before 12 or after 9!”
  4. I’m the one who initiated the plans.
6. Your friend tells you they’re feeling super stressed. What’s your reaction?
  1. I comfort them and ask if there’s anything I can do to help.
  2. I help them make a plan to deal with whatever is stressing them out.
  3. I suggest we watch their favorite funny movie to lighten the mood.
  4. I tell them not to worry—whatever it is will pass.
7. What superlative would you be most likely to win?
  1. Most Responsible
  2. Biggest Goofball
  3. Most Unique
  4. Best Shoulder to Cry On
8. What were you like in elementary school?
  1. I spent all my time with my 2 closest friends.
  2. I was super friendly, running from group to group like a social butterfly.
  3. I was one of the popular kids—and hung out with the other popular kids.
  4. I was a bit of a loner and sometimes struggled to make friends.
9. It’s your birthday. What kind of gift are you hoping to get?
  1. I just want a thoughtful party thrown by my besties.
  2. I want a cool, artsy piece of clothing.
  3. I want tickets to an exciting event, like an axe-throwing class or concert.
  4. I want something practical I’ll actually use, like new stationery or a cozy blanket.
10. Your friend group is going to hang out this weekend. What activities do you suggest?
  1. I suggest we make a bunch of cool, hands-on crafts!
  2. I suggest we have a sleepover and talk late into the night.
  3. I suggest we go on an adventure to explore a brand-new hangout spot!
  4. I suggest we relax! I’d like to lounge by a pool all day or watch movies.
11. What’s your biggest friendship red flag?
  1. Friends who cancel plans without warning.
  2. Friends who ask for advice but never follow it.
  3. Friends who ask to borrow money and don’t repay it.
  4. Friends who ask to hang out but text other people the whole time.
12. Pick the band you like most!
  1. Queen
  2. BTS
  3. ABBA
  4. Green Day

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What Makes a Good Friend?

No matter what kind of friend you are, you’re invaluable to the friend group! Check out these tips on being a good friend, regardless of your special niche among your pals.

Good friends support one another. Friendship is all about lending a helping hand when necessary, right? When you’re in a bind and need a favor, a good friend will be there! They won’t be able to fix all your problems, but they’ll try to offer you help and support as much as they can. Whether you need an encouraging word before a big presentation or a ride to your doctor’s appointment, a good friend will deliver.

They make each other feel good. After all, it’s only natural to feel good when you’re around a friend, right? True friends say and do things to make one another happy, whether that means giving one another compliments, congratulating each other on their accomplishments, or simply showing gratitude for each other and the friendship. For example, a good friend would quickly say, “Wow, I love your outfit today!” or “Woah, you’re so talented! I love that drawing,” and offer you praise. Friends usually aren’t shy about letting one another know how great they are!

Friends accept each other for who they are. In friend groups, there are a lot of different personalities! Everybody has their own likes, dislikes, and interests—and they’re not always into the same things. Sure, you and your friends likely have at least a few things in common, but there are probably also a few things that are solely your interest and not theirs.

Still, true friends accept those differences. They don’t ignore, tease, or judge you for liking different things. Rather, they’ll encourage you to tell them about the things you like because they know it’s important to you—and, when you need to go off and do your own thing for a bit, they’ll be understanding and supportive. Good friends enjoy their similarities and celebrate their differences!

They listen to one another. Had a bad day and need to vent? A good friend will actively listen and offer you a shoulder to cry on if you need it. Regardless, they don’t shrug you off or zone out when you talk; they’re genuinely interested in hearing whatever it is you have to say and are usually happy to be a sounding board when you want to talk something out.

They’re trustworthy. When you tell a good friend something privately and ask them not to share it, they won’t! True friends are reliable, loyal, and nonjudgmental—they’ll hear you out when you have something to say and know how to keep your secrets rather than gossiping about them to others. In other words, they won’t betray your trust.

They respect boundaries. Disagreements can happen in friendships; it’s only natural. You might say or do something to upset your friend, or vice versa. However, a good friend will tell you if you do something to hurt their feelings rather than keep it bottled up—and if they’ve hurt you, they’ll apologize and make sure to maintain that boundary moving forward. For example, if you tell a good friend, “I really don’t want to talk about my last relationship, it’s upsetting for me,” they’ll respect that and avoid bringing up the subject in the future.

It’s also important to remember that every aspect of friendship here goes both ways! It shouldn’t be one of you always being respectful, trustworthy, supportive, and so on—it’s up to both of you to be the best friends you can be.

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  • Anonymous


    Jul 3

    "Well, I really identified with the results of my quiz. I'm really social, and I'm always offering advice..." more
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